Privacy Policy

Periwinkle Technologies Pvt. Ltd.


Last Update Date: 09 /December/2016. Version 1


1.       NET4MEDIX has agreed with MEDICAL PROVIDER to provider communication channel services to the MEDICAL PROVIDER and its CLIENTS. This Privacy Policy covers all usage of NET4MEDIX services by MEDICAL provider and/or its CLIENT-USERS. Additionally, this Privacy Policy applies to all of those who are legitimately accessing the NET4MEDIX App, Website or other services with permission of NET4MEDIX.

2.       CLIENT-USER shall include existing or potential CLIENTS of MEDICAL PROVIDER and any person using services of NET4MEDIX.

3.       This Privacy Policy can be changed at the SOLE discretion of NET4MEDIX without any notice to anyone about the changes. This Privacy Policy shall be integrated in whole by reference into (i) Signup Agreement between the MEDICAL PROVIDER and (ii) In Terms of Use with the CLIENT-USERS of the MEDICAL PROVIDER.

4.       Nature of services being offered by NET4MEDIX are strictly a communication channel that can be used by MEDICAL PROVIDER and its existing CLIENT-USERS for communicating internally or with potential CLIENT-USERS.

5.       CLIENT-USERS will separately contract or establish a relationship with the MEDICAL PROVIDER for MEDICAL PROVIDER's medical or other services. CLIENT-USERS expressly agree that NET4MEDIX's services are those of a communication channel (like a telephone) and NET4MEDIX shall not be responsible for treatment or other services provided by the MEDICAL PROVIDER to existing or potential CLIENT-USERS or any other user of NET4MEDIX.

6.       Personal data submitted by the CLIENT-USER shared by the CLIENT-USER voluntarily with MEDICAL PROVIDER is owned by the CLIENT-USER subject to following permitted uses by NET4MEDIX:

6.1.    For Research and Development purpose or to improve the product and service offering of NET4MEDIX.

6.2.    With prior-permission of CLIENT-USER and MEDICAL PROVIDER, whereby such permission can be taken online with a mouse click or similar approval.

6.3.    NET4MEDIX can anonymize data (remove all identifiable personal details like name, telephone no, emails or similar) that is related to medical condition, treatment, location or other medically important data or other health or related parameters which data can be use my NET4MEDIX for any purpose without any prior permission of CLIENT-USER, MEDICAL PROVIDER or any other party.

6.4.    Use of any CLIENT-USER data to provide better services to same or other CLIENT-USERS of NET4MEDIX and allied purposes.

7.       ''NET4MEDIX takes no responsibility for correctness or accuracy of CLIENT-USER data as that is controlled by contract between CLIENT-USER and MEDICAL PROVIDER. NET4MEDIX being only a communication channel is not related to any aspect of content, liability or relation with data of CLIENT-USER except for purposes listed out in other paragraphs of this document.

8.       The provisions of this Agrement related to CLIENT-USER data will also apply to MEDICAL PROVIDER's own data as far as context allows.

9.       NET4MEDIX will honor requests for data-deletion by MEDICAL PROVIDER. CLIENT-USER can forward there data deletion requests to MEDCIAL PROVIDER who can then forward them to NET4MEDIX. NET4MEDIX will NOT delete or modify CLIENT-USER data except upon written (electronic or physical) instructions received from MEDICAL PROVIDER.

10.   By clicking or approving in any other manner, you certify that the above terms are acceptable to you as a MEDICAL PROVIDER or CLIENT-USER.